You may be wondering what all the fuss is over something you can’t even see? Having good insulation is extremely important and it can improve your health as well as your finances.
It helps keep your home warm and dry making it much more comfortable for you and your tamariki.
The money you will save
Sealing your homes thermal envelop with insulation keeps your home warmer in winter meaning you can turn down your heaters saving you money on your power bill.
You know how they say you lose most of your heat through your head? Well its true for your whare to. Ceiling insulation can cut heat losses from your house by over 40%! That’s money that can be better spent feeding and entertaining your whānau for the long winter ahead.
In a study done by the University of Otago measuring the effect of insulation, those with insulated houses were found to spend up to 23% less on power each month!
With all that promise of spare cash you’ll have in your wallet each month why wouldn’t you insulate?
The health benefits
Insulation will not only save your pocket but it could save your tamariki as well.
Our tamariki are much likely to have asthma when compared to other children. In fact, according to the latest Health Survey done by the Ministry of Health they are 55% more likely.
When a house is draughty with no insulation it makes it difficult to heat. The World Health Organistion recommends that your house be heated to a minimum of 18 degrees Celsius in order for your whānau to be healthy and comfortable. A cold house increases the risk of asthma.
If you are worried about any tamariki you may know with asthma click here for more information.